Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)


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TTP24-027 Finding excesses in model parameter space
Kierthika Chathirathas, Torben Ferber, Felix Kahlhoefer and Alessandro Morandini
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TTP24-026 Massive two-loop four-point Feynman integrals at high energies with AsyInt
Hantian Zhang
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TTP24-025 Top-quark loops in $gg \to ZZ$ at NLO QCD
Marco Vitti
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TTP24-024 Subleading operators and $\gamma_5$-scheme dependence in SMEFT for Higgs boson pair production
Stefano Di Noi, Ramona Gröber, Gudrun Heinrich, Jannis Lang, Ludovic Scyboz, Marco Vitti
Contribution to: LL2024
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TTP24-023 Electroweak corrections to 𝒈𝒈 → 𝑯𝑯: Factorizable contributions
Joshua Davies, Kay Schönwald, Matthias Steinhauser, Hantian Zhang
Contribution to: LL2024
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TTP24-022 Non-factorizable corrections to Higgs production in Vector Boson Fusion
Ming-Ming Long
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TTP24-021 Nonleptonic B-decays at NNLO
Manuel Egner
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TTP24-020 Nonleptonic $B$-meson decays to next-to-next-to-leading order
Manuel Egner, Matteo Fael, Kay Sch\“onwald, Matthias Steinhauser
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TTP24-019 QCD corrections to Higgs boson production and $H \to b \bar{b}$ decay in weak boson fusion
Konstantin Asteriadis, Arnd Behring, Kirill Melnikov, Ivan Novikov, Raoul Roentsch
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TTP24-018 Update on technical aspects of B meson mixing at NNLO
Pascal Reeck
Contribution to: LL2024
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TTP24-017 Heavy-to-light form factors to three loops
Matteo Fael, Tobias Huber, Fabian Lange, Jakob Mueller, Kay Schoenwald, Matthias Steinhauser
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TTP24-016 Three-loop corrections to Higgs boson pair production: reducible contribution
Joshua Davies, Kay Schoenwald, Matthias Steinhauser, Marco Vitti
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TTP24-015 Resonant or asymmetric: The status of sub-GeV dark matter
Sowmiya Balan, Csaba Balazs,Torsten Bringmann, Christopher Cappiello, Riccardo Catena, Timon Emken, Tomas E. Gonzalo, Taylor R. Gray, Will Handley, Quan Huynh, Felix Kahlhoefer, Aaron C. Vincent
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TTP24-014 Determing Weak Mixing Angle at \muTRISTAN
Lisong Chen, Syuhei Iguro, Yu Hamada
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TTP24-013 B meson mixing at NNLO: technical aspects
Pascal Reeck, Vladyslav Shtabovenko, Matthias Steinhauser
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TTP24-012 Towards understanding fermion masses and mixings
Benedetta Belfatto, Zurab Berezhiani
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TTP24-011 Not-so-inelastic Dark Matter
Giovani Dalla Valle Garcia, Felix Kahlhoefer, Maksym Ovchynnikov, Thomas Schwetz
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TTP24-010 Virtual QCD corrections to $gg \to ZZ$: top-quark loops from a transverse-momentum expansion
Giuseppe Degrassi, Ramona Gr\“{o}ber and Marco Vitti
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TTP24-009 Axion Dark Matter from Heavy Quarks
M. Aghaie, G. Armando, A. Conaci, A. Dondarini, P. Matak, P. Panci, Z. Sinska, R. Ziegler
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TTP24-008 Global fit to $\boldsymbol{b \to c\tau\nu}$ anomaly 2024 Spring breeze
Syuhei Iguro, Teppei Kitahara, Ryoutaro Watanabe
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TTP24-007 B Physics: From Present to Future Colliders
Monika Blanke
Contribution to: CORFU 2023
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TTP24-006 Summary of Working Group 4: Mixing and mixing-related CP violation in the B system: $\delta m$, $\Delta \Gamma$, $\phi_s$, $\phi_1/\alpha$, $\phi_2/\beta$, $\phi_3/\gamma$
Agnieszka Dziurda, Felix Erben, Marc Quentin Fuhring, Thibaud Humair, Thomas Latham, Pascal Reeck, Vladyslav Shtabovenko, K. Keri Vos
Contribution to: CKM 2023
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TTP24-005 NNLO QCD corrections to $\Delta \Gamma_s$ in the $B_s-\overline{B}_s$ system
Marvin Gerlach, Ulrich Nierste, Pascal Reeck, Vladyslav Shtabovenko, Matthias Steinhauser
Contribution to: CKM 2023
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TTP24-004 N-jettiness soft function at next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbative QCD
Prem Agarwal, Kirill Melnikov, Ivan Pedron
JHEP 05 (2024) 005
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TTP24-003 Flavor Phenomenology of Light Dark Vectors
Jordi Folch Eguren , Sophie Klingel , Emmanuel Stamou , Mustafa Tabet , Robert Ziegler
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TTP24-002 Thermal production of astrophobic axions
Marcin Badziak, Keisuke Harigaya, Michal Lukawski, Robert Ziegler
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TTP24-001 One-loop corrections to the double-real emission contribution to the zero-jettiness soft function at N3LO in QCD
Daniel Baranowski, Maximilian Delto, Kirill Melnikov, Andrey Pikelner, Chen-Yu Wang
JHEP 04 (2024) 114
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