KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institut für Theoretische Teilchenphysik
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Prof. Kirill Melnikov
Prof. Ulrich Nierste
Prof. Matthias Steinhauser
Prof. Felix Kahlhoefer
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Research Groups
Prof. Kirill Melnikov
Prof. Ulrich Nierste
Prof. Matthias Steinhauser
Prof. Felix Kahlhoefer
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Collaborative Research Center TRR 257
KCETA theory
Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)
Theoretical Astroparticle Physics at IAP
Theoretical Particle- and Astroparticle Physics at KIT
Programs and Data until 2015
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Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)
Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)
TTP08-14 Theoretical status and prospects for top-quark pair production at hadron colliders
This is a sitemap over all available pages ordered by
LPN12-001 Higgs boson production at hadron colliders: hard-collinear coefficients
LPN12-002 Unfolding of target mass contributions from inclusive proton structure function data
LPN12-003 Double real radiation corrections to $t\bar{t}$ production at the LHC: the all-fermion processes
LPN12-004 Antenna subtraction for the production of heavy particles at hadron colliders
LPN12-005 Global Analysis of Nuclear Parton Distributions
LPN12-006 Top quark pair production in association with a jet at NLO accuracy with parton showering
LPN12-007 Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 2. Differential Distributions
LPN12-008 New results for algebraic tensor reduction of Feynman integrals
LPN12-009 Top quark pair production in association with a Z-boson at NLO accuracy
LPN12-010 Limits on leptophobic W' after 1 fb^{-1} of LHC data: a lesson on parton level simulations
LPN12-011 Signals of composite particles at the LHC
LPN12-012 Anomalous Wtb coupling and forward-backward asymmetry of top quark production at the Tevatron
LPN12-013 New developments in CARLOMAT
LPN12-014 Quark contribution to the gluon Regge trajectory at NLO from the high energy effective action
LPN12-015 FastJet user manual
LPN12-016 Top-pair production at hadron colliders with next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic soft-gluon resummation
LPN12-017 Fluctuations and asymmetric jet events in PbPb collisions at the LHC
LPN12-018 Meaningful characterisation of perturbative theoretical uncertainties
LPN12-019 Theoretical improvements for luminosity monitoring at low energies
LPN12-020 A New Algorithm For The Generation Of Unitarity-Compatible Integration By Parts Relations
LPN12-021 The two-loop hemisphere soft function
LPN12-022 Jet mass with a jet veto at two loops and the universality of non-global structure
LPN12-023 Precision Thrust Cumulant Moments at N3LL
LPN12-024 Precise Predictions for Z + 4 Jets at Hadron Colliders
LPN12-025 NLO vector boson production with light jets
LPN12-026 W+n jet predictions with MC@NLO in Sherpa
LPN12-027 The QCD evolution of the Sivers function
LPN12-028 Top polarisation studies in Ht and Wt production
LPN12-029 NNLL resummation for squark-antisquark pair production at the LHC
LPN12-030 Madgraph 5: Going Beyond
LPN12-031 Implementation of electroweak corrections in the POWHEG BOX: single W production
LPN12-032 Probing higher-order corrections in dijet production at the LHC
LPN12-033 Parton distribution functions and benchmark cross sections at NNLO
LPN12-034 Strong, weak and flavor scalar triplets for the CDF Wjj anomaly.
LPN12-035 The real radiation antenna function for S → QQbar qqbar at NNLO QCD.
LPN12-036 New Heavy Flavor Contributions to the DIS Structure Function F_2(x,Q^2) at O(\alpha_s^3)
LPN12-037 Generalized threshold resummation for semi-inclusive e^+ e^- annihilation
LPN12-038 Evaluation of Multi-Sums for Large Scale Problems
LPN12-039 PDF fit in the fixed-flavour-number scheme
LPN12-040 NLO QCD corrections to the production of W^+W^- plus two jets at hadron colliders
LPN12-041 Higgs decay with monophoton + MET signature from low scale supersymmetry breaking
LPN12-042 On top-pair hadro-production at next-to-next-to-leading order
LPN12-043 NLL+NNLO predictions for jet-veto efficiencies in Higgs-boson and Drell-Yan production
LPN12-044 Left-right symmetry at LHC and precise 1-loop low energy data
LPN12-045 Systematic improvement of QCD parton showers
LPN12-046 An isosinglet W' at the LHC: updated bounds from direct searches
LPN12-047 Why Precision?
LPN12-048 On the NNLO QCD corrections to heavy-quark deep inelastic scattering
LPN12-049 Numerical evaluation of multi-loop integrals for arbitrary kinematics with SecDec 2.0
LPN12-050 Forward Z-boson production and the unintegrated sea quark density
LPN12-051 Precision Multiboson Phenomenology
LPN12-052 $O(\alpha_s^3 n_f T_F^2 C_{A,F})$ Contributions to the Gluonic Massive Operator Matix Elements
LPN12-053 Top-mass effects in differential Higgs production through gluon fusion at order alphas^4
LPN12-054 Applications of Lipatov's high energy effective action to NLO BFKL jet phenomenology
LPN12-055 Massive 3-loop Ladder Diagrams for Quarkonic Local Operator Matrix Elements
LPN12-056 The Theory of Deeply Inelastic Scattering
LPN12-057 Tree-Loop Duality beyond single poles
LPN12-058 Gluon fusion contribution to W+W- + jet production
LPN12-059 MINLO: Multi-scale improved NLO
LPN12-060 Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to electroweak Zjj production in the POWHEG BOX
LPN12-061 Higgs and Z-boson production with a jet veto
LPN12-062 Higgs Low-Energy Theorem (and its corrections) in Composite Models
LPN12-063 Four-Jet Production at the Large Hadron Collider at Next-to-Leading Order in QCD.
LPN12-064 The SM and SUSY after the 2011 LHC results
LPN12-065 Tri-Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing and Discrete Flavour Symmetries
LPN12-066 Discrete Flavour Groups, theta_13 and Lepton Flavour Violation
LPN12-067 The Mystery of Neutrino Mixings
LPN12-068 Decoupling constant for $\alpha_s$ and the effective gluon-Higgs coupling to three loops in supersymmetric QCD
LPN12-069 Anomalous Couplings in Double Higgs Production
LPN12-070 The non-forward BFKL equation and infrared effects
LPN12-071 Using the BFKL resummation to fit DIS data: collinear and running coupling effects.
LPN12-072 The NLO N =4 SUSY BFKL Green function in the adjoint representation.
LPN12-073 The top quark and Higgs boson masses and the stability of the electroweak vacuum
LPN12-074 ttbar asymmetries in the Standard Model and beyond
LPN12-075 Photophilic Higgs from sgoldstino mixing
LPN12-076 Counting to one: reducibility of one- and two-loop amplitudes at the integrand level.
LPN12-077 Higgs boson production at the LHC: transverse momentum resummation effects in the H->2gamma, H->WW->lnu lnu and H->ZZ->4l decay modes.
LPN12-078 Release Note Vbfnlo-2.6.0
LPN12-079 Higher Twist contributions to the Structure Functions $F_2(x,Q^2)$ and $g_2(x,Q^2)$
LPN12-080 NLO QCD matrix elements + parton showers in ee -> hadrons
LPN12-081 QCD matrix elements + parton showers: the NLO case
LPN12-082 Diphoton spectrum in the mass range 120-140 GeV at the LHC
LPN12-083 Resummed small-x and first-moment evolution of fragmentation functions in perturbative QCD
LPN12-084 Single-top t-channel hadroproduction in the four-flavour scheme with POWHEG and aMC@NLO
LPN12-085 The charm-quark mass from deep-inelastic scattering
LPN12-086 ABM11 parton distributions and benchmarks
LPN12-087 Supersymmetric next-to-next-to-leading order corrections to Higgs boson production in gluon fusion
LPN12-088 Electroweak corrections to W-pair production at the LHC
LPN12-089 Electroweak accuracy in V-pair production at the LHC
LPN12-090 Uncertainties in NLO + parton shower matched simulations of inclusive jet and dijet production
LPN12-091 QCD threshold corrections for gluino pair production at hadron colliders
LPN12-092 t tbar W and t tbar Z Hadroproduction at NLO accuracy in QCD with Parton Shower and Hadronization effects
LPN12-093 NLO QCD corrections to W+W+ jj production in vector-boson fusion at the LHC
LPN12-094 Higgs boson pair production at the LHC in the bbWW channel
LPN12-095 Top-Quark Mediated Effects in Hadronic Higgs-Strahlung
LPN12-096 Jet-veto in bottom-quark induced Higgs production at next-to-next-to-leading order
LPN12-097 Bottom-quark associated Higgs-boson production: reconciling the four- and five-flavour scheme approach
LPN12-098 Top-mass effects in differential Higgs production through gluon fusion at order \alpha_s^4
LPN12-099 Power Corrections to Event Shapes with Mass-Dependent Operators
LPN12-100 Vector boson production at hadron colliders: hard-collinear coefficients at the NNLO
LPN12-101 Diphoton production at Next-to-Next-to-Leading-Order
LPN12-102 WZ production beyond NLO for high-p_T observables
LPN12-103 Improved scale prescriptions in multiscale processes and multijet merging algorithms
LPN12-104 Advanced Computer Algebra Algorithms for the Expansion of Feynman Integrals
LPN12-105 Antenna subtraction with massive fermions at NNLO: Double real initial-final configurations
LPN12-106 Reduze 2 - Distributed Feynman Integral Reduction.
LPN12-107 Diphoton production in the ADD model to NLO+parton shower accuracy at the LHC
LPN12-108 The New F_L Measurement from HERA and the Dipole Model.
LPN12-109 Merging meets matching in MC@NLO
LPN12-110 NLO Higgs Boson Production Plus One and Two Jets Using the POWHEG BOX, MadGraph4 and MCFM.
LPN12-111 Antenna subtraction at NNLO with hadronic initial states : double real-real initial configurations
LPN12-112 The role of the input scale in parton distribution analyses.
LPN12-113 NLO QCD corrections to off-shell top-antitop production with leptonic decays at hadron colliders
LPN12-114 Herwig++ 2.6 Release Note.
LPN12-115 The NNLO soft function for the pair invariant mass distribution of boosted top quarks.
LPN12-116 Higgs production at the LHC: updated cross sections at s√=8 TeV.
LPN12-117 High multiplicity processes at NLO with BlackHat and Sherpa
LPN12-118 Statistical issues in the PDF analysis of the Tevatron jet data
LPN12-119 Liberating Higgs couplings in supersymmetry
LPN12-120 Pileup subtraction for jet shapes
LPN12-121 Estimation of saturation and coherence effects in the KGBJS equation - a non-linear CCFM equation
LPN12-122 Soft-gluon resummation for boosted top-quark production at hadron colliders
LPN12-123 Transverse-momentum resummation for top-quark pairs at hadron colliders.
LPN12-124 Efficient contraction of 1-loop N-point tensor integrals
LPN12-125 Analytic and Algorithmic Aspects of Generalized Harmonic Sums and Polylogarithms
LPN12-126 ZZ+jet production via gluon fusion at the LHC
LPN12-127 Higgs boson production at the LHC: NNLO partonic cross sections through order $\epsilon$ and convolutions with splitting functions to N$^3$LO
LPN12-128 Factorization violation in the multiparton collinear limit
LPN12-129 Recursion relations for the multiparton collinear limit and splitting functions
LPN12-130 Complete three-loop QCD corrections to the decay H -> gamma gamma
LPN12-131 Systematic uncertainties in NLOPS matching
LPN12-132 Precise charm-quark mass from deep-inelastic scattering
LPN12-133 Progress on double-logarithmic large-x and small-x resummations for splitting and coefficient functions
LPN12-134 SusHi: A program for the calculation of Higgs production in gluon fusion and bottom-quark annihilation in the Standard Model and the MSSM
LPN12-135 RPV stops bump off the background
LPN12-136 Bootstrap and momentum transfer dependence in small x evolution equations
LPN12-137 Forward jet production and quantum corrections to the gluon Regge trajectory from Lipatov's high energy effective action
LPN12-138 NLO corrections to the gluon induced forward jet vertex from the high energy effective action
LPN12-139 Susy-QCD corrections to neutralino pair production in association with a jet
LPN12-140 Merging H/W/Z + 0 and 1 jet at NLO with no merging scale: a path to parton shower + NNLO matching
LPN12-141 New results on the 3-loop Heavy Flavor Wilson Coefficients in Deep-Inelastic Scattering
LPN12-142 Three-Loop Contributions to the Gluonic Massive Operator Matrix Elements at General Values of N
Lehrveranstaltungen im WiSe 2018-19
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