Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)

TTP13-006 On the $\mathcal O(\alpha_s^2)$ corrections to $b \rightarrow X_u e bar{\nu}$ inclusive decays

TTP13-006 On the $\mathcal O(\alpha_s^2)$ corrections to $b \rightarrow X_u e bar{\nu}$ inclusive decays

TTP13-006 On the $\mathcal O(\alpha_s^2)$ corrections to $b \rightarrow X_u e bar{\nu}$ inclusive decays

We present $O(\alpha_s^2)$ QCD corrections to the fully-differential decay rate of a $b$-quark into inclusive semileptonic charmless final states. Our calculation provides genuine two-loop QCD corrections, beyond the Brodsky-Lepage-Mackenzie (BLM) approximation, to any infra-red safe partonic observable that can be probed in $b \to X_u e \bar \nu$ decays. Kinematic cuts that closely match those used in experiments can be fully accounted for. To illustrate these points, we compute the non-BLM corrections to moments of the hadronic invariant mass and the hadronic energy with cuts on the lepton energy and the hadronic invariant mass. Our results remove one of the sources of theoretical uncertainty that affect the extraction of the CKM matrix element $|V_{ub}|$ from charmless inclusive B-decays.

Mathias Brucherseifer, Fabrizio Caola, Kirill Melnikov
Phys.Lett. B721 107-110 2013
PDF PostScript arXiv
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