Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)

TTP08-34 Fermionic contributions to the three-loop static potential

TTP08-34 Fermionic contributions to the three-loop static potential

TTP08-34 Fermionic contributions to the three-loop static potential

We consider the three-loop corrections to the static potential which are induced by a closed fermion loop. For the reduction of the occurring integrals a combination of the Gr\“obner and Laporta algorithm has been used and the evaluation of the master integrals has been performed with the help of the Mellin-Barnes technique. The fermionic three-loop corrections amount to 2% of the tree-level result for top quarks, 8% for bottom quarks and 27% for the charm quark system.

Alexander V. Smirnov, Vladimir A. Smirnov, Matthias Steinhauser
Phys.Lett. B668 293-298 2008
PDF PostScript arXiv
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