Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)

TTP04-04 Pole- versus MS-mass definitions in the electroweak theory

TTP04-04 Pole- versus MS-mass definitions in the electroweak theory

TTP04-04 Pole- versus MS-mass definitions in the electroweak theory

Two different two-loop relations between the pole- and the MS-mass of the top quark have been derived in the literature

which were based on different treatments of the tadpole

diagrams. In addition, the limit M_W^2/m_t^2 \to 0 was employed in one of the calculations. It is shown that, after appropriate transformations, the results of the two calculations are in perfect agreement. Furthermore we demonstrate that the inclusion of the non-vanishing mass of the W-boson leads to small modifications only.

M. Faisst, J.H. Kuhn, and O. Veretin
Phys.Lett.B 589 35-38 2004
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