Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)

TTP03-25 Probing the Noncommutative Standard Model at a Photon Collider

TTP03-25 Probing the Noncommutative Standard Model at a Photon Collider

TTP03-25 Probing the Noncommutative Standard Model at a Photon Collider

Extensions of the Standard Model of elementary particle physics to noncommutative geometries have been proposed as a low energy limit of string models. Independent of this motivation, one may consider such a model as an effective field theory with higher-dimensional operators containing an antisymmetric rank-two background field. We study the signals of such a Noncommutative Standard Model (NCSM) and analyze the discovery potential of a future photon collider, considering angular distributions in fermion pair production.

Thorsten Ohl (Wuerzburg University), Juergen Reuter (Karlsruhe University)
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