Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)

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The focus of our research at the Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics is the study of physics of elementary particles. Physics of elementary particles is successfully described by the Standard Model of Particle Physics that was proposed as the leading theory of Nature more than 40 years ago. The Standard Model is an extremely successful theory which describes a vast majority of phenomena that are observed in the Universe. Yet, theoretical shortcomings of the Standard Model suggest that this theory is incomplete and that additional, so far unknown, particles and interactions should exist. The research of the Institute contributes towards discovering the physics beyond the Standard Model through refined theoretical descriptions of Standard Model processes and through a development of specific models of New Physics.

Researches at the Institute provide theoretical support for studying Higgs boson physics at the LHC, explore the flavour structure of the Standard Model and beyond by studying properties of B and D mesons and develop new methods for performing high-precision computations in Quantum Field Theory.

You are curious about theoretical particle physics and want to join the research at TTP? We always welcome students to work on their Bachelor's or Master's thesis. You can find more information here.


29.05.2024 Institute's seminar

Our next institute seminar will take place this Wednesday 29 May at 11h30. The speaker this time is Gao Xiyuan, who will give a talk about “Oasis in the desert: Some flavor phenomenology of grand unified theories”. The seminar will take place in room 10/01.

16.05.2024 KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium

This Thursday, 16.05.2024 at 15:45, we will have our next regular KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium. Prof. Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino) is going to talk about “4d tracking: an enabling technology for future experiments”. The seminar will take place in Kleiner Hörsaal A (CS).

15.05.2024 Special KCETA Colloquium

On Wednesday, 15.05.2024 at 16:00, there will be a special KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium with two talks about “Future Collider at CERN”. Prof. Mühlleitner is going to talk about the theoretical aspects of “The Physics Case for an e+e- collider at CERN” and Prof. Klute about the experimental aspects of “The FCC-ee Project”. The seminar will take place in the Lehmann Hörsaal (CS).

15.05.2024 Institute's seminar

The next institute seminar will take place this Wednesday 15 May at 11h30. The speaker this time is Andrey Pikelner, who will give a talk about “New techniques for N3LO zero-jettiness soft function calculation”. The seminar will take place in room 10/01.

08.05.2024 Institute's seminar

Our next institute seminar will take place this Wednesday 8 May at 11h30. The speaker this time is our guest Alexander Penin (Alberta U.), who will talk about “Oscillating fields, emergent gravity and particle traps”. The seminar will take place in room 10/01.

07.05.2024 Particle Physics Seminar

Next Tuesday, 07.05.2024 at 15:45, there will be a new special Particle Physics Seminar. Arnd Behring (CERN) will talk about “Choose your own talk: three takes in higher-order calculations”. The seminar will take place in room 6/1.

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