Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)

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TTP11-20 Master Integrals for Four-Loop Massless Propagators up to Transcendentality Weight Twelve

TTP11-20 Master Integrals for Four-Loop Massless Propagators up to Transcendentality Weight Twelve

TTP11-20 Master Integrals for Four-Loop Massless Propagators up to Transcendentality Weight Twelve

We evaluate a Laurent expansion in dimensional regularization parameter $\epsilon=(4-d)/2$ of all the master integrals for four-loop massless propagators up to transcendentality weight twelve, using a recently developed method of one of the present coauthors (R.L.) and extending thereby results by Baikov and Chetyrkin obtained at transcendentality weight seven. We observe only multiple zeta values in our results. Therefore, we conclude that all the four-loop massless propagator integrals, with any integer powers of numerators and propagators, have only multiple zeta values in their epsilon expansions up to transcendentality weight twelve.

R.N. Lee, A.V. Smirnov, V.A. Smirnov
Nucl.Phys. B856 95-110 2012
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