Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)

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15.03.2024 Loops and Legs 2024

TTP members Manuel Egner, Ming-Ming Long, Ivan Novikov, Ivan Pedron, Andrey Pikelner, Pascal Reeck, Marco Vitti, and Hantian Zhang will present recent results at the Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory 2024 Conference in Wittenberg.

20.03.2024 Particle Physics Colloquium

Next Wednesday, 20.03.2024 at 12:00, there will be a Particle Physics Colloquium. Felix Kahlhöfer (TTP) will talk about “Why haven't we discovered dark matter yet?”. The seminar will take place in Otto-Lehmann-Hörsaal, CS 30.22.

15.02.2024 KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium

On Thursday, 15.02.2024 at 15:45, we will have the weekly KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium. We welcome Dr. Babette Döbrich (MPI), who will talk about “New results for searches of exotic particles with NA62 in beam-dump mode”. The seminar will take place in Kleiner Hörsaal A (CS).

14.02.2024 Institute's seminar

Our next institute seminar will take place this Wednesday 14 February at 13h30. The speaker this time is Nicoline Hemme, who will talk about “Freeze-out of a strongly interacting dark sector with light vector mesons”. The seminar will take place in room 10/01.

08.02.2024 KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium

On Thursday, 08.02.2024 at 15:45, we will have the weekly KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium. We welcome Prof. Björn Penning (University of Zürich), who will talk about “Recent results from the LZ experiment and future direct DM searche”. The seminar will take place in Kleiner Hörsaal A (CS).

07.02.2024 Institute's seminar

The next institute seminar will take place this Wednesday 07 February at 13h30. Our speaker this time is Surabhi Tiwari, who will talk about “Resummed next-to-soft corrections to the rapidity distribution of Pseudo-scalar Higgs boson”. The seminar will take place in room 10/01.

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