Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)

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20.07.2020 Seminars

We have reached the last week of the semester. The institute's seminar on Wednesday will be given by Marvin Gerlach about “QCD effects on B_s lifetime difference”. For the particle physics colloquium on Thursday we are looking forward to have Lorenzo Magnea (University of Turin) giving a talk on “Exploring the infrared structure of perturbative QCD”

16.07.2020 ICHEP 2020

The 40th “International conference on High Energy Physics” will take place virtually from the 28th of July to the 6th of August. It will cover recent advancements in particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, and accelerator science. The scientific program and the registration, which is free of any fee, can be found on indico.

13.07.2020 New members at the Institute

We warmly welcome Min He, Jérémie Quarroz and Alejandro Segarra at the TTP and wish them a pleasant and productive time in Karlsruhe.

13.07.2020 Seminars

The institute's seminar on Wednesday, 15th of July will be given by Jose Zurita, presenting “A common solution to the RD(*) anomalies and Dark Matter”. For the upcoming particle physics colloquium on Thursday, 16th of July, we have a seminar by Maxwell Hansen from CERN on “Scattering amplitudes on a periodic lattice”. Login details are distributed via email as always.

06.07.2020 Seminars

We are happy to have three remote seminars this week. On Tuesday, 3.45 pm, Marco Fedele will give a “Phenomenological overview of tensions in semileptonic B decays”, on Wednesday, Daniel Baranowski will give the institute's seminar on “Soft function for N3LO colour singlet production”. For the particle physics colloquium on Thursday at 3.45 pm we have Kazuki Sakurai presenting “Sphalerons at the LHC and beyond”. Login details are distributed via email as always.

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