Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)

The focus of our research at the Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP) is the study of physics of elementary particles. Physics of elementary particles is successfully described by the Standard Model of Particle Physics that was proposed as the leading theory of Nature more than 40 years ago. The Standard Model is an extremely successful theory which describes a vast majority of phenomena that are observed in the Universe. Yet, theoretical shortcomings of the Standard Model suggest that this theory is incomplete and that additional, so far unknown, particles and interactions should exist. The research of the Institute contributes towards discovering the physics beyond the Standard Model through refined theoretical descriptions of Standard Model processes and through a development of specific models of New Physics.

Researches at the Institute provide theoretical support for studying Higgs boson physics at the LHC, explore the flavour structure of the Standard Model and beyond by studying properties of B and D mesons and develop new methods for performing high-precision computations in Quantum Field Theory.

If you are interested in theoretical particle physics, we always welcome students to work on their Bachelor's or Master's thesis at TTP. In order to learn more, you can visit the 11th floor and talk to us or contact us via e-mail. You can find more information, including a list of completed Bachelor and Master theses, here.


16.01.2025 KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium

Next Thursday, 16.01.2025 at 15:45, we will have the next KCETA Colloquium. This time Prof. Marek Lewicki (Warsaw) will talk about “Search for cosmological phase transitions through their gravitational wave signals”. The seminar will take place in the Kleiner Hörsaal A (CS) .

15.01.2025 Institute's seminar

Our next institute's seminar will take place on Wednesday 15 January at 11h30. The speaker this time is Davide Tagliabue, who will talk about “The need of IR subtraction schemes”. The seminar will take place in room 10/01.

14.01.2025 Particle physics seminar

This Tuesday, 14.01.2025 at 15:45, there will be a special particle physics seminar by Guillem Domenech (University of Hannover). The talk will be about “Cosmic gravitational waves from isocurvature fluctuations”. The seminar will take place in room 10/1.

09.01.2025 KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium

Next Thursday, 09.01.2025 at 15:45, we will have the next KCETA Colloquium. This time Prof. Stephane Monteil (Clermont University) will talk about “Physics Opportunities at FCC-ee”. The seminar will take place in the Kleiner Hörsaal A (CS) .

01.01.2025 Happy New Year!

We look forward to another year of growth, collaboration, and achievement. Wishing everyone a prosperous and inspiring 2025!

19.12.2024 KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium

Next Thursday, 19.12.2024 at 15:45, we will have the next KCETA Particle Physics Colloquium. This time Prof. Marco Gersabeck (Freiburg) will talk about “The Charming Side of Antimatter”. The seminar will take place in the Kleiner Hörsaal A (CS) .

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