TTP10-18 Four Loop Massless Propagators: an Algebraic Evaluation of All Master Integrals

TTP10-18 Four Loop Massless Propagators: an Algebraic Evaluation of All Master Integrals

TTP10-18 Four Loop Massless Propagators: an Algebraic Evaluation of All Master Integrals

The old “glue–and–cut” symmetry of massless propagators, first established in [1], leads — after reduction to \ice{corresponding} master integrals is performed — to a host of non-trivial relations between the latter. The relations constrain the master integrals so tightly that they all can be analytically expressed in terms of only few, essentially trivial, watermelon-like integrals. As a consequence we arrive at explicit analytical results for all master integrals appearing in the process of reduction of massless propagators at three and four loops. The transcendental structure of the results suggests a clean explanation of the well-known mystery of the absence of even zetas ($\zeta_{2n}$) in the Adler function and other similar functions essentially reducible to massless propagators. Once a reduction of massless propagators at five loops is available, our approach should be also applicable for explicitly performing the corresponding five-loop master integrals.

P.A. Baikov and K.G. Chetyrkin
Nucl.Phys. B837 186-220 2010
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