TTP09-13 The SUSY-QCD beta-function to three loops

TTP09-13 The SUSY-QCD beta-function to three loops

TTP09-13 The SUSY-QCD beta-function to three loops

A number of $\drbar$ renormalization constants in softly broken \susy{}-\qcd{} are evaluated to three-loop level: the wave function renormalization constants for quarks, squarks, gluons, gluinos, ghosts, and \epscalar{}s, and the renormalization constants for the quark and

 gluino mass as well as for all cubic vertices. The latter allow us to

derive the corresponding $\beta$ functions through three loops, all of which we find to be identical to the expression for the gauge $\beta$ function obtained by Jack, Jones, and North~\cite{Jack:1996vg} (see also Ref.\,\cite{Pickering:2001aq}). This explicitely demonstrates the consistency of \dred{} with \susy{} and gauge invariance, an important pre-requisite for precision calculations in supersymmetric theories.

Robert Harlander, Luminita Mihaila, Matthias Steinhauser
Eur.Phys.J. C63 383-390 2009
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