TTP06-30 Standard and ε-finite master integrals for the ρ parameter

TTP06-30 Standard and ε-finite master integrals for the ρ parameter

TTP06-30 Standard and ε-finite master integrals for the ρ parameter

We have constructed an ε-finite basis of master integrals for all new types of one-scale tadpoles which appear in the calculation of the four-loop QCD corrections to the electroweak ρ-parameter. Using transformation rules from the ε-finite basis to the standard minimal-number-of-lines basis, we obtain as a by-product analytical expressions for few leading terms of the ε-expansion of all members of the standard basis. The new master integrals have been computed with the help of the Pade method and by use of difference equations independently.

M. Faisst, P. Maierhöfer and C. Sturm
Nucl. Phys. B766 (2007) (246-268)
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