TTP05-11 Scalar Correlator at alpha_s^4, Higgs Decay into b-quarks and Bounds on the Light Quark Masses

TTP05-11 Scalar Correlator at alpha_s^4, Higgs Decay into b-quarks and Bounds on the Light Quark Masses

TTP05-11 Scalar Correlator at alpha_s^4, Higgs Decay into b-quarks and Bounds on the Light Quark Masses

We compute, for the first time, the absorptive part of the massless correlator of two quark scalar currents in five loops. As physical applications we consider the O(alpha_s^4) corrections to the decay rate of the Standard Model Higgs boson into quarks, as well as the constraints on the strange quark mass following from QCD sum rules.

P.A. Baikov, K.G. Chetyrkin and J.H. K\“uhn
.Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 012003 2006
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