TTP99-45 Relating the Quark Mass defined in the ``Regularization Invariant'' Scheme to the MS bar Mass at O(\alpha_s^3)

TTP99-45 Relating the Quark Mass defined in the ``Regularization Invariant'' Scheme to the MS bar Mass at O(\alpha_s^3)

TTP99-45 Relating the Quark Mass defined in the ``Regularization Invariant'' Scheme to the MS bar Mass at O(\alpha_s^3)

We report on the analytical calculation of the ${\cal O}(\alpha_s^3)$ conversion factor between the $\overline{\mbox{MS}}$ quark mass and the one defined in the so-called ``Regularization Invariant'' scheme.

K.G. Chetyrkin and A. Retey
Act. Phys. Pol. 30 3373-3377 1999
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