TTP97-21 CP Violation in $B_s$ Decays

TTP97-21 CP Violation in $B_s$ Decays

TTP97-21 CP Violation in $B_s$ Decays

CP-violating effects in non-leptonic $B_s$-meson decays are reviewed. Special emphasis is given to implications arising from the width difference $\Delta\Gamma_s$ between the $B_s$ mass eigenstates. If $\Delta\Gamma_s$ is found to be sizable, certain untagged $B_s$-meson decays may allow interesting probes of CP violation, extractions of the CKM angle $\gamma$ and the Wolfenstein parameter $\eta$, and may indicate physics beyond the Standard Model.

Robert Fleischer
B physics and CP violation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on B physics and CP violation (BCONF 97), 24-28 Mar 1997, Honolulu, Hawaii. Edited by T.E. Browder, F.A. Harris, S. Pakvasa. Singapore, World Scientific, 1998, p. 469-475.
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