TTP93-30 Testing J/psi Production and Decay Properties in e+ e- Annihilation

TTP93-30 Testing J/psi Production and Decay Properties in e+ e- Annihilation

TTP93-30 Testing J/psi Production and Decay Properties in e+ e- Annihilation

Within the framework of pertubative QCD we calculate inclusive $\Jpsi$ production using the ``color singlet model'' (CSM). Predictions for the total cross section including the leading corrections from initial state radiation and the $\psi'$ contribution are given. We analyze the production and decay properties by considering suitable lepton-hadron correlations. It is shown that the production and the decay process of an $\Jpsi$ are described by four structure functions, respectively. We give analytical expressions for these

structure functions

and suggest energy dependent coefficients of angular distributions as a test for the model. Finally we give detailed predictions for an energy of 10.5 GeV that could be tested at the CLEO-II experiment.

The effect of arbitrarily polarized electron/positron beams is included.
V.M. Driesen, J.H. Kuehn and E. Mirkes
Phys. Rev. D49 3197–3208 1994
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