evalcsusy.f -- Version 2.00 ------------------------------------------------------------ Program: evalcsusy Authors: R. Harlander (U Karlsruhe) and M. Steinhauser (U Hamburg) Date : August 2004 v2.00 : June 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------ for documentation, see *********** "Supersymmetric Higgs production in gluon fusion at next-to-leading order" by Robert V. Harlander and Matthias Steinhauser JHEP 09 (2004) 066 [hep-ph/0409010]. and "Pseudo-scalar Higgs production at next-to-leading order SUSY-QCD" by Robert V. Harlander and Franziska Hofmann TTP05-07, SFB/CPP-05-17, hep-ph/0507041 *********** compilation: > make or: > f77 -c functions.f readslha.f slhablocks.f \ odeint8.f rkck8.f rkqs8.f.f obj/*.f > mv gghmix*.o obj/ > f77 -o evalcsusy evalcsusy.f functions.o readslha.o slhablocks.o \ odeint8.o rkck8.o rkqs8.o \ obj/*.o -L`cernlib -v pro kernlib,mathlib` execution: > ./x.evalcsusy example.in test.out subsequent check: > diff test.out example.out ************************** Remarks about compilers: * The current version has been tested on several platforms using the g77 compiler (version 2.95 or higher). Problems due to long continuation lines may arise with other compilers. * Compile time ranges from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the platform. ************************** CHANGES: -------- * v2 includes pseudo-scalar Higgs production **************************